你看不见的我 已完结 共5集

分类:欧美剧 美国2021



这个真人访谈纪录片太棒了,公开的表达自己的vulnerability, 回到了之前关注的Berne Brown. 提供calm和力量 Call it out

it's never too late


Pain is not transformed gets transmitted, its projection. If you don’t process it, it's ends coming out in all sorts of different ways. The reason that I am looking for therapy is to heal myself in the past

its bullshit following that "just playing the game, and your life would be easier"

You need to be able to train it like a muscle. Just as much as we focus on our physical health. They are all linked to each other.

The things we can see and not aware of scared us.

It's not about wha't wrong with that person. It's about what happens to that person.


我学会了非常熟练的起床,穿上衣服,带上最好的面具,put a smile on me and ha! positive. but inside feel completely broken 其实也没有这么夸张啦

(from a black perspective) you try to do so many right things, that you were told you suppose to do, to be, to act, to live. Not knowing there is an undercurrent. It makes you wanna give up sometimes, it makes you wanna fighting harder

我不需要压抑一切,而我可以直面我的depression和anxieity,I can't just keep going, 我想再做滚轮仓鼠,或者发条玩具,又或者是生物发电站,永远的逃避, I have to push all back of that. I need to be honest with myself, I need to feel and accept everything I am going through right now. Its gonna be a dangerous situation if I try to lie or mask it.

I am taking my masks off.

"When you speak, you put life on them"

OCD Olympic athlete

OCD: All my OCD can take over. OCD is a recurrence thought that cause depress, anxieity and fear, and repetative that intended to reduce that stress.

哈哈哈 那我只是有轻微强迫,而且我还给自己洗脑 收拾东西是放松, 趴草地上看书 画画 游泳 不放松么, anyway 挺好的~设计需要

Vicious cycle

Reflect about why I am doing this

Brave Lady Gaga

even though I feel awesome in 6 months, It took all with one trigger and feeling bad.

But I am growth and getting better and nicer with myself. For things to slowly change.

Surrended by at least one people that validate and believes me, that cares about me and tell me that my pain matters and its real.

Then there is a way to regulate myself

OK, I am back, smile

I am grateful


It's my teacher that saves me, She drives out the best of me, made me feel important, and self-worth, I can take out the world. Because the connection to anybody that cares about you makes a world difference. Thats my teachers, friends, They can't save me but they can relief me, and creating valve I create for myself.

I am telling about my story, that's part of my healing of being able to talk with you

I am not afraid anymore, I am glad I feel all the moment.

Say it out loud,

asking for help

Robin Williams的儿子,omg, for many people who are having very difficult times with their grief, clearly addition is a major vulnerability

Some mental health are temperary, some ebb and flow, symptoms can ve managed, but aren't cured. One of the biggest question with mebtak health conditions is "how well can you live with it"

finding what works

kobe对球员的影响, 受叙利亚战争影响的孩子

we need each other

You gran can teach you everything, but she can't teach you how to live without her

I miss you, no matter what they say I miss you, I never missed anyone the way I miss you,

discovering and investigating the best thing for you


this is me

grandma Dianna详情

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