制造伍德斯托克音乐节 正片

分类:喜剧片 美国2009



Peace & love. 记者采访赶往音乐节的某人:你认为你们在这里办音乐节,他们在越南作战死亡,他们能理解你们所谓的和平与爱吗?某人答:why won't they?

原对白如下:What do you say To All those young men fighting in Vietnam while you're here enjoying yourselves? / we're waging peace, man. We're teaching peace To the world. / you think they're gonna understand That while they are bleeding and dying? / why won't they...

是啊,他们为什么不理解,peace & love,最简单直白的表达。


原对话如下:I'm pretty sure it's trivial, you know, in perspective. /Ha, Perspective is What shuts out the universe. Everyone with their little perspective. It keeps the love out.


原对话如下:Dad, can you just tell me one thing? How have you done it, How have you lived with her more than 40 years? / l love her.

是的,老爸看似一个呆板的倔老头,其实反而流露了嬉皮的精神,love。不放大个人感受,不因个人喜恶阻止他人自由。尊重 友善 自由 平和……



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