一条狗的使命2 1080P蓝光

分类:喜剧片 大陆2019



一条狗的使命中英台词 1.1 have a new mission, and people need me,again, and again, in every new life, | can find anew meaning, | try to understand the meaning ofall see, this journey | have meaning? Where doesit come from? 我有了新的使命,又有人需要我了,又一次,又-次,在每一段新生命里,我都能发现新的意义,我尝试着理解所见一切的意义,我的这段旅程有意义吗?意义从何而来? 2.What we save will save us. 我们所拯救的,终将拯救我们。 3.f | can bring happiness to you, I will fulfill mymission. 若我能将幸福带给你,我就完成了自己的使命。4.What is the meaning of life, there is a reason?So what's the point? 生命的意义何在,存在有理由?这样有什么意义可言吗? 5. Also, why food is much better than junk food,this is me, this is me, in return, this little guy isme. 还有,为什么食物就是比垃圾好吃得多,这是我,这是我,话说回来,这小家伙也是我。6.As a dog, there are many ways to choose life,but this is a bit early, we start from the beginningof the story. 作为一只狗,可选择的生活方式有很多,不过,这话说的有点早,我们还是从故事的开头说起吧。详情


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