脱欧:无理之战第一季 完结/共1集

分类:欧美剧 英国2019

主演:本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 / 李·博德曼 / 奥利弗·莫尔特曼 / 凯尔·索列尔 / Mary Ant..


(Boris Johnson 的演员太像了吧……喷)

看这个片子其实挺disillusion的,印象最深刻的是一个数据:11%。坚定的remain派只占了11%,他们多是年轻,受过良好教育,因为我们身边都是类似的人所以完全没有意识到自己的privilege。去年朋友提到, “people” attacked Boris Johnson; “people” voted for Brexit, but who are the people? (由此又回到精英政治还是庶民政治的辩题,let people have a say in their destiny, 但他们真的有这个能力和远见吗?)最近又和朋友谈到,London is such a bubble. Most people around us are liberal, labour-voters, working in the creative industry, 让我们误以为这是大多数。但其实,伦敦以外的地方并非如此。就好像Rory在片子里那个醒悟的时刻, “this is who we (actually) are”: 所谓大英帝国早已远去,和David Hare所说的一样,这个国家又变回了一个小小的隔绝的岛屿。 never liberal-minded and sophisticated enough:对Windrush generation的偏见转移到了对Turkey的偏见而已(有个女人说 “millions of Turks are gonna come in, that’s terrifying” 我真的笑了,思维和60s一样没变过…)另外脱欧派不断宣称的Take back control,“the nostalgia for the past”,其实细想,control & past意味着什么?imperialism, colonialism, racism(也因此superior) 的过去,只不过他们从来不明说而已。

回到剧本本身,想起之前剧本初稿泄露被说很烂James Graham还得专门发推澄清的事,这个本子放到小哥身上确实不好写(但考虑到他确实是当下最炙手可热的political playwright—去年三部戏在西区演…),尤其超过三人以上的scene对话感觉都比较浮,但是对Dominic Cummings这个角色的塑造很可以,尤其是单人的台词,小哥哥的功力就出来了。最后Dom针砭时弊的演讲,太喜欢,太到位,所以摘了片段:

“There’s a system’s failure across the country and across the west: we are languishing, we’re drifting without a vision or a purpose.”

“...the same politics of short-termism and self-serving, small-thinking bullshit.”

“...the culture of half-truth, easy answers, false promises”


There’s no choice between a better future or a worse future, there’s only the choice between a worse future and an even worse one, just like a choice between bad deal or no deal...

"<>"" && "

(Boris Johnson 的演员太像了吧……喷)

看这个片子其实挺disillusion的,印象最深刻的是一个数据:11%。坚定的remain派只占了11%,他们多是年轻,受过良好教育,因为我们身边都是类似的人所以完全没有意识到自己的privilege。去年朋友提到, “people” attacked Boris Johnson; “people” voted for Brexit, but who are the people? (由此又回到精英政治还是庶民政治的辩题,let people have a say in their destiny, 但他们真的有这个能力和远见吗?)最近又和朋友谈到,London is such a bubble. Most people around us are liberal, labour-voters, working in the creative industry, 让我们误以为这是大多数。但其实,伦敦以外的地方并非如此。就好像Rory在片子里那个醒悟的时刻, “this is who we (actually) are”: 所谓大英帝国早已远去,和David Hare所说的一样,这个国家又变回了一个小小的隔绝的岛屿。 never liberal-minded and sophisticated enough:对Windrush generation的偏见转移到了对Turkey的偏见而已(有个女人说 “millions of Turks are gonna come in, that’s terrifying” 我真的笑了,思维和60s一样没变过…)另外脱欧派不断宣称的Take back control,“the nostalgia for the past”,其实细想,control & past意味着什么?imperialism, colonialism, racism(也因此superior) 的过去,只不过他们从来不明说而已。

回到剧本本身,想起之前剧本初稿泄露被说很烂James Graham还得专门发推澄清的事,这个本子放到小哥身上确实不好写(但考虑到他确实是当下最炙手可热的political playwright—去年三部戏在西区演…),尤其超过三人以上的scene对话感觉都比较浮,但是对Dominic Cummings这个角色的塑造很可以,尤其是单人的台词,小哥哥的功力就出来了。最后Dom针砭时弊的演讲,太喜欢,太到位,所以摘了片段:

“There’s a system’s failure across the country and across the west: we are languishing, we’re drifting without a vision or a purpose.”

“...the same politics of short-termism and self-serving, small-thinking bullshit.”

“...the culture of half-truth, easy answers, false promises”


There’s no choice between a better future or a worse future, there’s only the choice between a worse future and an even worse one, just like a choice between bad deal or no deal...


(Boris Johnson 的演员太像了吧……喷)

看这个片子其实挺disillusion的,印象最深刻的是一个数据:11%。坚定的remain派只占了11%,他们多是年轻,受过良好教育,因为我们身边都是类似的人所以完全没有意识到自己的privilege。去年朋友提到, “people” attacked Boris Johnson; “people” voted for Brexit, but who are the people? (由此又回到精英政治还是庶民政治的辩题,let people have a say in their destiny, 但他们真的有这个能力和远见吗?)最近又和朋友谈到,London is such a bubble. Most people around us are liberal, labour-voters, working in the creative industry, 让我们误以为这是大多数。但其实,伦敦以外的地方并非如此。就好像Rory在片子里那个醒悟的时刻, “this is who we (actually) are”: 所谓大英帝国早已远去,和David Hare所说的一样,这个国家又变回了一个小小的隔绝的岛屿。 never liberal-minded and sophisticated enough:对Windrush generation的偏见转移到了对Turkey的偏见而已(有个女人说 “millions of Turks are gonna come in, that’s terrifying” 我真的笑了,思维和60s一样没变过…)另外脱欧派不断宣称的Take back control,“the nostalgia for the past”,其实细想,control & past意味着什么?imperialism, colonialism, racism(也因此superior) 的过去,只不过他们从来不明说而已。

回到剧本本身,想起之前剧本初稿泄露被说很烂James Graham还得专门发推澄清的事,这个本子放到小哥身上确实不好写(但考虑到他确实是当下最炙手可热的political playwright—去年三部戏在西区演…),尤其超过三人以上的scene对话感觉都比较浮,但是对Dominic Cummings这个角色的塑造很可以,尤其是单人的台词,小哥哥的功力就出来了。最后Dom针砭时弊的演讲,太喜欢,太到位,所以摘了片段:

“There’s a system’s failure across the country and across the west: we are languishing, we’re drifting without a vision or a purpose.”

“...the same politics of short-termism and self-serving, small-thinking bullshit.”

“...the culture of half-truth, easy answers, false promises”


There’s no choice between a better future or a worse future, there’s only the choice between a worse future and an even worse one, just like a choice between bad deal or no deal...

{end if}详情




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