性别为本 正片

分类:剧情片 美国2018



Ruth Bader Ginsburg,现任美国最高法庭大法官之一,非常有名。我第一次知道她是因为纽约客在2013年,她八十周岁那年,为她做得小传,Heavyweight.那篇文章令我印象深刻的是她认为法律的健全需要循序渐进。她也是依赖这一策略在七十年代一步一步为妇女平权在高庭赢了一个又一个案子。循序渐进的反面就是一口吃个胖子,太迅速的改革会造成反弹。她认为当今为同性恋争取平等权力的策略有点冒进。


这个假期到来之前我就听说有一部专门讲她的故事的电影圣诞节期间上映。假期最后一天也就是2019第一天我终于去看到了这片子,On the Basis of Sex (性别为本)。大爱!


第一场,十五岁的简逃课去参加女权主义者 Gloria Steinem的示威演讲(Rally). 被妈妈发现简假造了妈妈写的假条后两人起了争执。当时RBG在大学里教授性别歧视案件。

JANE …You know what, Mom? You may be satisfied sitting around with your students talking about how shitty it is to be a girl–MARTIN Hey, language.JANE But don’t pretend it’s a movement. It’s not a movement if everyone’s sitting. That’s a support group. For Ruth, it stings. Martin sees it. MARTIN Jane that’s enough.RUTH (to Martin) We should get going.JANE Yeah. Go make yourself pretty for Daddy’s party.


He turns down the record. When Jane looks up at him, he’s surprised to see her eyes are welled with tears…MARTINCome here. She sits beside him on the bed. And for a beat, lets him hug her… Then shrugs him off.JANEI’m fine. I can be as tough as she is. … She’s a bully. She needs everybody to know how smart she is.MARTINYou want Mommy to stop being smart?JANEI want her to stop rubbing it in everyone’s face all the time. (off his look) Don’t tell me she doesn’t.MARTINRubbing it in people’s faces is the only way she’s ever gotten anyone to notice. Jane hears him.MARTIN (CONT’D)Grandma Celia died when Mom was about your age. But right up to her dying breath, they would read together, and debate ideas, and she’d make mom question everything. … Jane, Mom isn’t bullying you. She doesn’t want you to feel small. She wants to share what her mother taught her. …. That’s how she shows her heart. Jane is touched.

下一场也特别好。既然简要写“一位伟大的美国律师”,RBG决定带着简去拜访RBG特别崇拜的平权女律师KENYON。好让女儿见识一下真正的伟大律师。RBG跟Kenyon说自己要接的Charles Moritz 和税务局的案子。Kenyon认为时机未到,并以她自己的为女性争权益的案子接连败诉为佐证。但是离开后在街上简和冲她们吹口哨出言不逊的建筑工人公开对峙,并且教育妈妈,“Mom. You can’t just let boys talk to you like that. “让RBG意识到,Kenyon判断错误,时代已经变了!以前的失败不代表将来的性别平等案例也会失败。为了女儿她要试一试。这一场很多台词都很棒。有点长,就不引用了。有兴趣的可以去读剧本。

在女儿一步一步的推动下,RBG才走出了为女性平权抗争的第一步,在美国第十上诉法庭上据理力争并且胜诉。庭上辩论时,法官提问“可是美国宪法里面‘女性’这个词一次都没有出现过啊!” RBG平静的回应,”‘自由‘这个词也同样没出现过,your honor.”

纽约客上这篇小文很有意思:Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Nephew on Winning the Aunt Lottery

As he wrote the screenplay, Stiepleman made several trips to Washington, D.C., where his aunt granted him access to her files at the Library of Congress. “Then, by night, we would sit together and have dinner and usually polish off a bottle of wine,” he recalled.Aunt Ruthgave detailed notes on his drafts. “I’d call her up, and she’d be, like, ‘Oh, Daniel, I’m in the middle of reading the Affordable Care Act. Can you call me back in twenty minutes?’ And then she’d be, like, ‘O.K., page 1,’ and she’d go through it like a contract. ‘Here you have me wearing high heels at Harvard, but in those days I used to walk to school, so I wouldn’t wear high heels.’” After she saw the film for the first time, she told her nephew, “I just love that it’s joyous.”

纽约时报的影评:How Ruth Bader Ginsburg Became ‘Notorious’

The real Justice Ginsburg has saidthat the only thing the movie gets factually wrong is that it portrays her at a momentary loss for words as she addresses the court for the first time. It’s not only the character’s self-confidence that falters there, but also the filmmakers’. Admiring as they are of their heroine’s courage and brilliance in challenging tradition and convention, they can’t help but enshroud her in biopic clichés.
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg,现任美国最高法庭大法官之一,非常有名。我第一次知道她是因为纽约客在2013年,她八十周岁那年,为她做得小传,Heavyweight.那篇文章令我印象深刻的是她认为法律的健全需要循序渐进。她也是依赖这一策略在七十年代一步一步为妇女平权在高庭赢了一个又一个案子。循序渐进的反面就是一口吃个胖子,太迅速的改革会造成反弹。她认为当今为同性恋争取平等权力的策略有点冒进。


这个假期到来之前我就听说有一部专门讲她的故事的电影圣诞节期间上映。假期最后一天也就是2019第一天我终于去看到了这片子,On the Basis of Sex (性别为本)。大爱!


第一场,十五岁的简逃课去参加女权主义者 Gloria Steinem的示威演讲(Rally). 被妈妈发现简假造了妈妈写的假条后两人起了争执。当时RBG在大学里教授性别歧视案件。

JANE …You know what, Mom? You may be satisfied sitting around with your students talking about how shitty it is to be a girl–MARTIN Hey, language.JANE But don’t pretend it’s a movement. It’s not a movement if everyone’s sitting. That’s a support group. For Ruth, it stings. Martin sees it. MARTIN Jane that’s enough.RUTH (to Martin) We should get going.JANE Yeah. Go make yourself pretty for Daddy’s party.


He turns down the record. When Jane looks up at him, he’s surprised to see her eyes are welled with tears…MARTINCome here. She sits beside him on the bed. And for a beat, lets him hug her… Then shrugs him off.JANEI’m fine. I can be as tough as she is. … She’s a bully. She needs everybody to know how smart she is.MARTINYou want Mommy to stop being smart?JANEI want her to stop rubbing it in everyone’s face all the time. (off his look) Don’t tell me she doesn’t.MARTINRubbing it in people’s faces is the only way she’s ever gotten anyone to notice. Jane hears him.MARTIN (CONT’D)Grandma Celia died when Mom was about your age. But right up to her dying breath, they would read together, and debate ideas, and she’d make mom question everything. … Jane, Mom isn’t bullying you. She doesn’t want you to feel small. She wants to share what her mother taught her. …. That’s how she shows her heart. Jane is touched.

下一场也特别好。既然简要写“一位伟大的美国律师”,RBG决定带着简去拜访RBG特别崇拜的平权女律师KENYON。好让女儿见识一下真正的伟大律师。RBG跟Kenyon说自己要接的Charles Moritz 和税务局的案子。Kenyon认为时机未到,并以她自己的为女性争权益的案子接连败诉为佐证。但是离开后在街上简和冲她们吹口哨出言不逊的建筑工人公开对峙,并且教育妈妈,“Mom. You can’t just let boys talk to you like that. “让RBG意识到,Kenyon判断错误,时代已经变了!以前的失败不代表将来的性别平等案例也会失败。为了女儿她要试一试。这一场很多台词都很棒。有点长,就不引用了。有兴趣的可以去读剧本。

在女儿一步一步的推动下,RBG才走出了为女性平权抗争的第一步,在美国第十上诉法庭上据理力争并且胜诉。庭上辩论时,法官提问“可是美国宪法里面‘女性’这个词一次都没有出现过啊!” RBG平静的回应,”‘自由‘这个词也同样没出现过,your honor.”

纽约客上这篇小文很有意思:Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Nephew on Winning the Aunt Lottery

As he wrote the screenplay, Stiepleman made several trips to Washington, D.C., where his aunt granted him access to her files at the Library of Congress. “Then, by night, we would sit together and have dinner and usually polish off a bottle of wine,” he recalled.Aunt Ruthgave detailed notes on his drafts. “I’d call her up, and she’d be, like, ‘Oh, Daniel, I’m in the middle of reading the Affordable Care Act. Can you call me back in twenty minutes?’ And then she’d be, like, ‘O.K., page 1,’ and she’d go through it like a contract. ‘Here you have me wearing high heels at Harvard, but in those days I used to walk to school, so I wouldn’t wear high heels.’” After she saw the film for the first time, she told her nephew, “I just love that it’s joyous.”

纽约时报的影评:How Ruth Bader Ginsburg Became ‘Notorious’

The real Justice Ginsburg has saidthat the only thing the movie gets factually wrong is that it portrays her at a momentary loss for words as she addresses the court for the first time. It’s not only the character’s self-confidence that falters there, but also the filmmakers’. Admiring as they are of their heroine’s courage and brilliance in challenging tradition and convention, they can’t help but enshroud her in biopic clichés.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg,现任美国最高法庭大法官之一,非常有名。我第一次知道她是因为纽约客在2013年,她八十周岁那年,为她做得小传,Heavyweight.那篇文章令我印象深刻的是她认为法律的健全需要循序渐进。她也是依赖这一策略在七十年代一步一步为妇女平权在高庭赢了一个又一个案子。循序渐进的反面就是一口吃个胖子,太迅速的改革会造成反弹。她认为当今为同性恋争取平等权力的策略有点冒进。


这个假期到来之前我就听说有一部专门讲她的故事的电影圣诞节期间上映。假期最后一天也就是2019第一天我终于去看到了这片子,On the Basis of Sex (性别为本)。大爱!


第一场,十五岁的简逃课去参加女权主义者 Gloria Steinem的示威演讲(Rally). 被妈妈发现简假造了妈妈写的假条后两人起了争执。当时RBG在大学里教授性别歧视案件。

JANE …You know what, Mom? You may be satisfied sitting around with your students talking about how shitty it is to be a girl–MARTIN Hey, language.JANE But don’t pretend it’s a movement. It’s not a movement if everyone’s sitting. That’s a support group. For Ruth, it stings. Martin sees it. MARTIN Jane that’s enough.RUTH (to Martin) We should get going.JANE Yeah. Go make yourself pretty for Daddy’s party.


He turns down the record. When Jane looks up at him, he’s surprised to see her eyes are welled with tears…MARTINCome here. She sits beside him on the bed. And for a beat, lets him hug her… Then shrugs him off.JANEI’m fine. I can be as tough as she is. … She’s a bully. She needs everybody to know how smart she is.MARTINYou want Mommy to stop being smart?JANEI want her to stop rubbing it in everyone’s face all the time. (off his look) Don’t tell me she doesn’t.MARTINRubbing it in people’s faces is the only way she’s ever gotten anyone to notice. Jane hears him.MARTIN (CONT’D)Grandma Celia died when Mom was about your age. But right up to her dying breath, they would read together, and debate ideas, and she’d make mom question everything. … Jane, Mom isn’t bullying you. She doesn’t want you to feel small. She wants to share what her mother taught her. …. That’s how she shows her heart. Jane is touched.

下一场也特别好。既然简要写“一位伟大的美国律师”,RBG决定带着简去拜访RBG特别崇拜的平权女律师KENYON。好让女儿见识一下真正的伟大律师。RBG跟Kenyon说自己要接的Charles Moritz 和税务局的案子。Kenyon认为时机未到,并以她自己的为女性争权益的案子接连败诉为佐证。但是离开后在街上简和冲她们吹口哨出言不逊的建筑工人公开对峙,并且教育妈妈,“Mom. You can’t just let boys talk to you like that. “让RBG意识到,Kenyon判断错误,时代已经变了!以前的失败不代表将来的性别平等案例也会失败。为了女儿她要试一试。这一场很多台词都很棒。有点长,就不引用了。有兴趣的可以去读剧本。

在女儿一步一步的推动下,RBG才走出了为女性平权抗争的第一步,在美国第十上诉法庭上据理力争并且胜诉。庭上辩论时,法官提问“可是美国宪法里面‘女性’这个词一次都没有出现过啊!” RBG平静的回应,”‘自由‘这个词也同样没出现过,your honor.”

纽约客上这篇小文很有意思:Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Nephew on Winning the Aunt Lottery

As he wrote the screenplay, Stiepleman made several trips to Washington, D.C., where his aunt granted him access to her files at the Library of Congress. “Then, by night, we would sit together and have dinner and usually polish off a bottle of wine,” he recalled.Aunt Ruthgave detailed notes on his drafts. “I’d call her up, and she’d be, like, ‘Oh, Daniel, I’m in the middle of reading the Affordable Care Act. Can you call me back in twenty minutes?’ And then she’d be, like, ‘O.K., page 1,’ and she’d go through it like a contract. ‘Here you have me wearing high heels at Harvard, but in those days I used to walk to school, so I wouldn’t wear high heels.’” After she saw the film for the first time, she told her nephew, “I just love that it’s joyous.”

纽约时报的影评:How Ruth Bader Ginsburg Became ‘Notorious’

The real Justice Ginsburg has saidthat the only thing the movie gets factually wrong is that it portrays her at a momentary loss for words as she addresses the court for the first time. It’s not only the character’s self-confidence that falters there, but also the filmmakers’. Admiring as they are of their heroine’s courage and brilliance in challenging tradition and convention, they can’t help but enshroud her in biopic clichés.
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