豪斯医生第三季 已完结 共24集

分类:欧美剧 美国2006



先从最喜欢的S3E12 one day one room开始

One day one room

开头的House依旧幽默 “How can I help you in this beautiful morning?”


不过这不是重点,重点是被性侵的少女以及Cameron老无所依的病人(娘的,我以前记错了!原来Cameron和拒绝安乐死的病人也是One day one room这集的)

习惯性的顽皮,跑到了一个jogging park.

“It’s a jogging park, you’re not jogging. You can’t jog”


“Is it okay if I sleep here tonight? It’s cold outside”

一位少女来到了门诊要求做std test,House刚开始像是对其他病人一样调侃“这么大的人了还不知道用套套”,结果少女哭泣并喊出“Don’t touch me ”才发现是被性侵的少女。


“Look. you were raped. Control was taken away from you, and you’re trying to find that control again. You want me because I don’t want you.”

“I’m raping you?”

“In a very non-invasive, more annoying—”

“Get the hell out of here!”

“I’m sending Dr.Stone here.”


“I didn’t consent to all this medicine.”

“You’ve been out on the streets. No treatment….”

“I’m dying. There’s no treatment for dying.”

“We can make you comfortable.”

“Don’t want be.”

“Why not?”

“Because I screwed up my life.”

“So you want to punish yourself for messing up your life?”

“Please, stop the treatment”


“How long has stone been in with her?”

“Are you concerned?”

“You know how many people get raped every day?”

“So it’s common, therefore boring?”

“If I were to care about every person suffering on the planet, life would shut down. ”

“How about just the ones we meet?”

“They deserve our sympathy more than the other people?”

“So your solution is not to give a damn about any of them? How do you do that? How do you take that theory and put it in practice? You met her…..”House开溜


“Are you gonna do that again? You’re gonna be okay. Physically.”

“Which is all that interests you. But you’re here.”

“Under orders.”

“Why would you tell me that?”

“Because I don’t like hypocrisy.”

“But you don’t have a problem with cruelty?”

“Which brings us back to why do you want me?”

“I don’t know”

“You tried to kill yourself, because you couldn’t talk to me. You must have a reason”

“Why does there always have to be a reason? Can’t we just talk?”

“There’s a phone. Talk to a friend, a family member. Call the police. “


“Do you want to talk about what happened to you?”


“Do you want to talk about your std meds?” “No.”

“You don’t really seem to want to talk.” “No, I do.”

“About what?” “I don’t know. Anything.”

“The weather? You were raped, and you want to talk about the weather?” “Yeah.”

“I’m not gonna talk to you about the weather.”


Chase同意House,“You are the last person she should be talking to.”

Foreman却认为“If she wants to talk about weather, talk about the weather. She wants normalcy. She wants to feel like the world didn’t end.”

“Right, I’ll tell her that everything went on without her. Babies were born, people got married. Thousands of people will remember the day she got raped as the happiest day of their lives.”

Cameron认为House得让少女说出what happened, Foreman却认为假装一切未发生对她最好。

Cameron接着说,她必须正视这一切,Foreman却认为“You know what we should be trying to make real or process? The few decent moments in our lives, not the crap.”

Cameron依然坚持,也许你说的对,但她不可能假装没有这件事。“So she has no choice but to process it.”


“You’ve got to tell me what happened.”

“You don’t really want to hear.” “Sure I do.” “You’re lying.”

“This doesn’t have to destroy your life” (采取foreman的方法,但违心的说出明显太假了)

“I know” “It doesn’t mean anything about you. It wasn’t your fault.” “I know”

“You did nothing wrong. Some jerk hurt you. That’s all.” “I know”

“You’re worried that you can never trust men again?” “No.”

“Statistically, there was always a chance this could happen. The fact that it did happen doesn’t change anything. The world doesn’t suck any more today than it did yesterday.”

“I know all that” “Well, what do you want me to tell you?”

“Nothing. I just wanna talk.” “About nothing” “Yeah”

“If we talk about nothing, nothing will change.” “It might.”

“How?” “Time. Time changes everything.”

“That’s what people say. It’s not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things…leaves things exactly as they were.” (哈哈哈,我记得以前日记里写过这段,这是我少数don’t agree的话,事实上时间真的changes everything,因为每个人活在世界上都会被推着向前走,被动的,由不得你的,没有人会真的not doing things.就像人总会长大,时间总会流逝,生理会慢慢变老一样,活在世界上就免不了doing things,哪怕只是吃饭,洗脸,刷牙。当然,逃避问题也不会是解决问题的方法。


“Why do you have to suffer?” “I gave my word.”

“Who would make you promise that?” “My father. He said I would die alone ad miserable.”

“That’s not a promise, and even if it was, he’s dead. And even if he’s not, he’s not going to care.”

“Why did your husband have to suffer?” ………

“You have to die in pain because of a promise you made to your father?”

“If I’d say yes, you’d use that as proof that I’m insane. Force treatment on me.”

“……….Because I need you to remember me. I need somebody to remember me.”


“Where’d you go to college?” “Northwestern.” “You?” “Hopkins”

“What’s your major?” “Comparative religion.” (受不了了)

“Why do you trust me?” “I don’t know.”

“Can’t we just…..” “That’s not rational!”

“Nothing’s rational” “Everything is rational.”

“I was raped. Explain how that makes sense to you.”

“We are selfish, base animals crawling across the earth. But because we’ve got brains, if we try real hard, we can occasionally aspire to something that is less than pure evil”

(太让我同意了,everything is rational,事实上反正我也觉得,所有东西背后都能找到根源和原因,物质决定意识?精神上的冲动也是有物质基础,或者说进化论上的基础的,没有什么是凭空出现的,至少人类的所有行为是这样,这很brutal,可能白左会不太认同,人类除了智力比别的动物高,没有任何区别)

“Has anything terrible ever happened to you?”

“What do you want me to say?”

“You wanted this conversation. You wanted to talk about something that matters. Talk”

House对好基友Wilson说, I don’t know how to answer these questions.

Wilson “ It’s a simple question: Has your life sucked?”

“She’s looking for something, looking to extrapolate some…..”

“She’s looking to connect with you. And that’s what’s scaring the hell out of you. Tell her the truth”

“There’s no truth. XXXXXXXXX She’s asking for my personal life experience so she can extrapolate to all humanity. That’s not truth. That’s bad science.”

“It’s not science at all. Tell her the truth”


“Tell her your life has been good.” “It hasn’t been.”

“Tell her anyway, She wants hope. She wants to know that what happened to her wasn’t the norm, things can be okay, which means maybe they can be okay for her again”


“Tell her your life sucked.” “It didn’t”

“Tell her anyway, She want to know she’s not alone. She wants to know she’s gonna survive this, That other people have been through this and worse and come out the other end. She wants to know if she’s going to heal. Act like you’ve healed.



“Tell her…keep her asleep.”

“Thanks. You’ve all been a huge help.”

“There’s no wrong answer, because there’s no right answer.”

“Wrong. We just don’t know what the right answer is.”


“It’s not as bad as what happened to you, I don’t think. I don’t know what happened to you. But given how lousy you’re responding, I assume it was worse than getting asbused by your grandmother”

“What did she do to you?”

“XXXXX She liked things the way she liked them. And she believed in discipline. She was right, I suppose, because I hardly ever screwed up when she was around. Too scared of being forced to sleep in the yard or take a bath in ice. Your turn.”

“Your parents, they—they never stopped her?” “I never told them.”

“Why not?”

“Usual reasons: I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me, and I was afraid they’d think I’d done something wrong. I opened up to you, you open up to me.”

“XXXXXXX Is any part of that story true?”

“All of it.”

“XXXXXX What can I do? What the hell can I do that you’re not gonna dismiss as just being because I was raped?”


“Your story….is it true?”

“True for somebody.”

“But not for you.”

“These things happened. It happened to somebody. What do you care if it happened to me?”

“They’re not in this room.”

“No! They’re out there: Doctors, lawyers…postal workers. Some of them doing great. Some of them doing lousy. Are you gonna base your life on who you got stuck in a room with?”

“I’m gonna base this moment on who I’m stuck in a room with. That’s what life is. It’s a series of room. And who we get stuck in those rooms with adds up to what our lives are.”



“Abortion is murder”

“True. It’s a life, and…you should end it.”

“Every life is sacred.”

“Come on. Talk to me . Don’t quote me bumper stickers.”

“It’s true.”

“It’s meaningless.”

“It means every life matters to god.”

“Not to me, not to you. Judging by the number of natural disasters, not to god either.”

“You’re just being argumentative.”

“Yeah. I do do that. What about hitler? Was his life sacred to god? Father of your child, is his life scared to you? ”

“My child isn’t hitler.”

“Either every life is sacred, or it—”

“Stop it! I don’t wanna chat about philosophy.”

“You’re not killing your rape baby because of a philosophy.”

“It’s murder. I’m against it. You for it?”

“Not as a general rule.”

“Just for unborn children?”

“Yes. The problem with exceptions to rules is the line-drawing. It might make sense for us to kill the ass that did this to you. I mean, where do we draw the line? Which asses do we get to kill, and which asses get to keep on being as asses. The nice things about the abortion debate is that we can quibble over trimesters , but ultimately, there’s a nice, clean line: Birth. Morally there isn’t a lot of difference. Practically, huge.”

“You’re enjoying this conversation.”

“This is the type of conversation I do well.”

“Blah, Blah…….. You’re healthy. You shouldn’t here.”

“I don’t want to go.”

“Fine. I won’t discharge you. You wanna go for a walk?”


“This is the last of my journey.”

“You don’t deserve pain. You’re just an insane old man.”

“No, no.”

“I’m not gonna watch you suffer.”

“I need you to remember me.”

“I’ll remember you.”


“Because you’re a nice man.”

“You don’t know that. You don’t know anything about me.”

“Either you are a nice man or you’re an ass. Either way, you did something to somebody that they’re gonna remember.”

“I have no family. I have no friends. I didn’t even have a real job. If I die in peace, then I’m just another patient. But if I die suffering”

“It’ll be horrible. Don’t do that to either of us.”

“No I just need to die knowing that something is different because I was here” Suffering….

House和少女来到了jogging park

“Life goes on”

“Is that the reason why we’re out here?”

“You know why I came here? I sit, I watch, I imagine.”

“Sounds nice”

“I imagine that one of them will break a leg. Just one false step, one crack in the sidewalk.”

“You don’t really”

“I’m evil.”

“Evil people don’t say they’re evil.”

“That sounds like an easy loophole. People can do good things. But if their instincts are not good, either god doesn’t exist or he’s unimaginably cruel.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“So what do you believe? Why do you think this happened?”

“You know, I don’t think there was a reason.”

“Uh-huh, so god does exist, lets you get raped, and needs you to keep your rape baby for no reason.”

“Well, maybe he was challenging me.”

“He hurts you to help you. I guess it’s better than because he hates you.”

“You’re trying to convince me there’s no god. Why would you even say something like that?”

“Because you’re throwing your life away.”

“I’m doing what I believe.” “What you believe doesn’t make sense.”

“If you believe in eternity, then life is irrelevant. The same as a bugis irrelevant in comparison to the universe.”

“If you don’t believe in eternity, then what you do here is irrelevant”

“Your actions here are all that matters.”

“Then nothing matters. There’s no ultimate consequences. I couldn’t live like that.”

“So you need to think that the guy, who did this to you is gonna be punished”

“I need to know that it all means something. I need that comfort.”

“Yeah. Are you feeling comfortable? You feeling good right now, feel warm inside?”

“I was raped. What’s your excuse?”

“Do you think the guy who did this to me feels bad?”

“That’d help you? It’ll make you feel better?”

“Why do you always do that…. Ask why I’m asking questions instead of just answering the question.”

“Because the answer doesn’t interest me. I don’t care what he’s feeling. I’m interested in what you’re feeling.”

“You are?

“I’m trapped in the room with you, right? Why did you choose me?”

“There’s something about you. It’s like you’re hurt too.”

“It was true. It wasn’t my grandmother, but it was true. It was my dad.”

“I’d like to tell you what happened to me now. It was my friends’ birthday party…”



“She’s talking about what happened. That’s huge. You did good.”

“And everyone’ll tell you that’s what we gotta make her do if we’re gonna help her, right? Except we can’t. We drag out her story, tell each other that it’ll help her heal, and feel real good about ourselves. But maybe all we’ve done is make a girl cry.”

“Then why did you?”

“Because I don’t know.”

One day. One room





老无所依的病人同样也是告诉我们这个道理,需要被记住,每个人都希望自己能够mean something,希望不被这个世界遗忘,或者说归属感与价值感。



虽然Nothing last forever,但,你的生命它不长,不能用它来悲伤。虽然很多人都只会陪伴我们走一段路,但是啊,“一路春风啊 一路荆棘啊 惊鸿一般短暂 如夏花一样绚烂”





后面还有一集,我想起来了,也是一个病人在最后时间里承受剧痛,应该是chase和cameron的婚姻破裂那集 Chase问Cameron “Did you ever love me?” “I don’t know” “So I know the answer”



我想其实是因为,那是2017年的某一天,应该是大二的第二学期,一夜未眠的我,有一个画面一直非常非常的印象深刻,就是那天早晨,看到的日出,其实也….nothing special,但那个日出就是刻在了我的脑子里。我想,人类的潜意识真的很神奇,总有些碎片,或者说moment,以静态的画面刻在了脑子里,你不知道究竟有什么很特别的地方,但就是有些moment留了下来,也许在更高的维度上能够找到rational的理由(House!Everything is rational! Totally agree),但作为该维度下的奴隶,就像是感性的玄学一样,总之那个画面留了下来。

我记得很清楚,那天的早餐是我这辈子吃的最饱的一次,一碗热干面,一张鸡蛋饼,一个卤鸡蛋,几个荔枝,十来个开心果,还喝了一瓶牛奶。吃完后,骑着我的折叠车去了学校,在民族大道上吸了一路的尾气和灰尘后,在我把车搬到寝室后,那几位都还在睡觉,然后我就在寝室里随意的找了一集House看,就是这集One day,One room。看完后正好9点30,本来准备去上课的,但是刚从被窝醒来打王者的W说了句“DH老师的信号与系统不会点名的”,加上一夜未睡,运动了一会(骑车),早上吃的又太饱,刚看完这集,还沉浸在其中,去了409发现他娘的那几个都不准备去,于是就跷课了(说白了找了那么多理由,真正的就一条,不想去上课,虽然去了也只是换个地方玩手机。)








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先从最喜欢的S3E12 one day one room开始

One day one room

开头的House依旧幽默 “How can I help you in this beautiful morning?”


不过这不是重点,重点是被性侵的少女以及Cameron老无所依的病人(娘的,我以前记错了!原来Cameron和拒绝安乐死的病人也是One day one room这集的)

习惯性的顽皮,跑到了一个jogging park.

“It’s a jogging park, you’re not jogging. You can’t jog”


“Is it okay if I sleep here tonight? It’s cold outside”

一位少女来到了门诊要求做std test,House刚开始像是对其他病人一样调侃“这么大的人了还不知道用套套”,结果少女哭泣并喊出“Don’t touch me ”才发现是被性侵的少女。


“Look. you were raped. Control was taken away from you, and you’re trying to find that control again. You want me because I don’t want you.”

“I’m raping you?”

“In a very non-invasive, more annoying—”

“Get the hell out of here!”

“I’m sending Dr.Stone here.”


“I didn’t consent to all this medicine.”

“You’ve been out on the streets. No treatment….”

“I’m dying. There’s no treatment for dying.”

“We can make you comfortable.”

“Don’t want be.”

“Why not?”

“Because I screwed up my life.”

“So you want to punish yourself for messing up your life?”

“Please, stop the treatment”


“How long has stone been in with her?”

“Are you concerned?”

“You know how many people get raped every day?”

“So it’s common, therefore boring?”

“If I were to care about every person suffering on the planet, life would shut down. ”

“How about just the ones we meet?”

“They deserve our sympathy more than the other people?”

“So your solution is not to give a damn about any of them? How do you do that? How do you take that theory and put it in practice? You met her…..”House开溜


“Are you gonna do that again? You’re gonna be okay. Physically.”

“Which is all that interests you. But you’re here.”

“Under orders.”

“Why would you tell me that?”

“Because I don’t like hypocrisy.”

“But you don’t have a problem with cruelty?”

“Which brings us back to why do you want me?”

“I don’t know”

“You tried to kill yourself, because you couldn’t talk to me. You must have a reason”

“Why does there always have to be a reason? Can’t we just talk?”

“There’s a phone. Talk to a friend, a family member. Call the police. “


“Do you want to talk about what happened to you?”


“Do you want to talk about your std meds?” “No.”

“You don’t really seem to want to talk.” “No, I do.”

“About what?” “I don’t know. Anything.”

“The weather? You were raped, and you want to talk about the weather?” “Yeah.”

“I’m not gonna talk to you about the weather.”


Chase同意House,“You are the last person she should be talking to.”

Foreman却认为“If she wants to talk about weather, talk about the weather. She wants normalcy. She wants to feel like the world didn’t end.”

“Right, I’ll tell her that everything went on without her. Babies were born, people got married. Thousands of people will remember the day she got raped as the happiest day of their lives.”

Cameron认为House得让少女说出what happened, Foreman却认为假装一切未发生对她最好。

Cameron接着说,她必须正视这一切,Foreman却认为“You know what we should be trying to make real or process? The few decent moments in our lives, not the crap.”

Cameron依然坚持,也许你说的对,但她不可能假装没有这件事。“So she has no choice but to process it.”


“You’ve got to tell me what happened.”

“You don’t really want to hear.” “Sure I do.” “You’re lying.”

“This doesn’t have to destroy your life” (采取foreman的方法,但违心的说出明显太假了)

“I know” “It doesn’t mean anything about you. It wasn’t your fault.” “I know”

“You did nothing wrong. Some jerk hurt you. That’s all.” “I know”

“You’re worried that you can never trust men again?” “No.”

“Statistically, there was always a chance this could happen. The fact that it did happen doesn’t change anything. The world doesn’t suck any more today than it did yesterday.”

“I know all that” “Well, what do you want me to tell you?”

“Nothing. I just wanna talk.” “About nothing” “Yeah”

“If we talk about nothing, nothing will change.” “It might.”

“How?” “Time. Time changes everything.”

“That’s what people say. It’s not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things…leaves things exactly as they were.” (哈哈哈,我记得以前日记里写过这段,这是我少数don’t agree的话,事实上时间真的changes everything,因为每个人活在世界上都会被推着向前走,被动的,由不得你的,没有人会真的not doing things.就像人总会长大,时间总会流逝,生理会慢慢变老一样,活在世界上就免不了doing things,哪怕只是吃饭,洗脸,刷牙。当然,逃避问题也不会是解决问题的方法。


“Why do you have to suffer?” “I gave my word.”

“Who would make you promise that?” “My father. He said I would die alone ad miserable.”

“That’s not a promise, and even if it was, he’s dead. And even if he’s not, he’s not going to care.”

“Why did your husband have to suffer?” ………

“You have to die in pain because of a promise you made to your father?”

“If I’d say yes, you’d use that as proof that I’m insane. Force treatment on me.”

“……….Because I need you to remember me. I need somebody to remember me.”


“Where’d you go to college?” “Northwestern.” “You?” “Hopkins”

“What’s your major?” “Comparative religion.” (受不了了)

“Why do you trust me?” “I don’t know.”

“Can’t we just…..” “That’s not rational!”

“Nothing’s rational” “Everything is rational.”

“I was raped. Explain how that makes sense to you.”

“We are selfish, base animals crawling across the earth. But because we’ve got brains, if we try real hard, we can occasionally aspire to something that is less than pure evil”

(太让我同意了,everything is rational,事实上反正我也觉得,所有东西背后都能找到根源和原因,物质决定意识?精神上的冲动也是有物质基础,或者说进化论上的基础的,没有什么是凭空出现的,至少人类的所有行为是这样,这很brutal,可能白左会不太认同,人类除了智力比别的动物高,没有任何区别)

“Has anything terrible ever happened to you?”

“What do you want me to say?”

“You wanted this conversation. You wanted to talk about something that matters. Talk”

House对好基友Wilson说, I don’t know how to answer these questions.

Wilson “ It’s a simple question: Has your life sucked?”

“She’s looking for something, looking to extrapolate some…..”

“She’s looking to connect with you. And that’s what’s scaring the hell out of you. Tell her the truth”

“There’s no truth. XXXXXXXXX She’s asking for my personal life experience so she can extrapolate to all humanity. That’s not truth. That’s bad science.”

“It’s not science at all. Tell her the truth”


“Tell her your life has been good.” “It hasn’t been.”

“Tell her anyway, She wants hope. She wants to know that what happened to her wasn’t the norm, things can be okay, which means maybe they can be okay for her again”


“Tell her your life sucked.” “It didn’t”

“Tell her anyway, She want to know she’s not alone. She wants to know she’s gonna survive this, That other people have been through this and worse and come out the other end. She wants to know if she’s going to heal. Act like you’ve healed.



“Tell her…keep her asleep.”

“Thanks. You’ve all been a huge help.”

“There’s no wrong answer, because there’s no right answer.”

“Wrong. We just don’t know what the right answer is.”


“It’s not as bad as what happened to you, I don’t think. I don’t know what happened to you. But given how lousy you’re responding, I assume it was worse than getting asbused by your grandmother”

“What did she do to you?”

“XXXXX She liked things the way she liked them. And she believed in discipline. She was right, I suppose, because I hardly ever screwed up when she was around. Too scared of being forced to sleep in the yard or take a bath in ice. Your turn.”

“Your parents, they—they never stopped her?” “I never told them.”

“Why not?”

“Usual reasons: I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me, and I was afraid they’d think I’d done something wrong. I opened up to you, you open up to me.”

“XXXXXXX Is any part of that story true?”

“All of it.”

“XXXXXX What can I do? What the hell can I do that you’re not gonna dismiss as just being because I was raped?”


“Your story….is it true?”

“True for somebody.”

“But not for you.”

“These things happened. It happened to somebody. What do you care if it happened to me?”

“They’re not in this room.”

“No! They’re out there: Doctors, lawyers…postal workers. Some of them doing great. Some of them doing lousy. Are you gonna base your life on who you got stuck in a room with?”

“I’m gonna base this moment on who I’m stuck in a room with. That’s what life is. It’s a series of room. And who we get stuck in those rooms with adds up to what our lives are.”



“Abortion is murder”

“True. It’s a life, and…you should end it.”

“Every life is sacred.”

“Come on. Talk to me . Don’t quote me bumper stickers.”

“It’s true.”

“It’s meaningless.”

“It means every life matters to god.”

“Not to me, not to you. Judging by the number of natural disasters, not to god either.”

“You’re just being argumentative.”

“Yeah. I do do that. What about hitler? Was his life sacred to god? Father of your child, is his life scared to you? ”

“My child isn’t hitler.”

“Either every life is sacred, or it—”

“Stop it! I don’t wanna chat about philosophy.”

“You’re not killing your rape baby because of a philosophy.”

“It’s murder. I’m against it. You for it?”

“Not as a general rule.”

“Just for unborn children?”

“Yes. The problem with exceptions to rules is the line-drawing. It might make sense for us to kill the ass that did this to you. I mean, where do we draw the line? Which asses do we get to kill, and which asses get to keep on being as asses. The nice things about the abortion debate is that we can quibble over trimesters , but ultimately, there’s a nice, clean line: Birth. Morally there isn’t a lot of difference. Practically, huge.”

“You’re enjoying this conversation.”

“This is the type of conversation I do well.”

“Blah, Blah…….. You’re healthy. You shouldn’t here.”

“I don’t want to go.”

“Fine. I won’t discharge you. You wanna go for a walk?”


“This is the last of my journey.”

“You don’t deserve pain. You’re just an insane old man.”

“No, no.”

“I’m not gonna watch you suffer.”

“I need you to remember me.”

“I’ll remember you.”


“Because you’re a nice man.”

“You don’t know that. You don’t know anything about me.”

“Either you are a nice man or you’re an ass. Either way, you did something to somebody that they’re gonna remember.”

“I have no family. I have no friends. I didn’t even have a real job. If I die in peace, then I’m just another patient. But if I die suffering”

“It’ll be horrible. Don’t do that to either of us.”

“No I just need to die knowing that something is different because I was here” Suffering….

House和少女来到了jogging park

“Life goes on”

“Is that the reason why we’re out here?”

“You know why I came here? I sit, I watch, I imagine.”

“Sounds nice”

“I imagine that one of them will break a leg. Just one false step, one crack in the sidewalk.”

“You don’t really”

“I’m evil.”

“Evil people don’t say they’re evil.”

“That sounds like an easy loophole. People can do good things. But if their instincts are not good, either god doesn’t exist or he’s unimaginably cruel.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“So what do you believe? Why do you think this happened?”

“You know, I don’t think there was a reason.”

“Uh-huh, so god does exist, lets you get raped, and needs you to keep your rape baby for no reason.”

“Well, maybe he was challenging me.”

“He hurts you to help you. I guess it’s better than because he hates you.”

“You’re trying to convince me there’s no god. Why would you even say something like that?”

“Because you’re throwing your life away.”

“I’m doing what I believe.” “What you believe doesn’t make sense.”

“If you believe in eternity, then life is irrelevant. The same as a bugis irrelevant in comparison to the universe.”

“If you don’t believe in eternity, then what you do here is irrelevant”

“Your actions here are all that matters.”

“Then nothing matters. There’s no ultimate consequences. I couldn’t live like that.”

“So you need to think that the guy, who did this to you is gonna be punished”

“I need to know that it all means something. I need that comfort.”

“Yeah. Are you feeling comfortable? You feeling good right now, feel warm inside?”

“I was raped. What’s your excuse?”

“Do you think the guy who did this to me feels bad?”

“That’d help you? It’ll make you feel better?”

“Why do you always do that…. Ask why I’m asking questions instead of just answering the question.”

“Because the answer doesn’t interest me. I don’t care what he’s feeling. I’m interested in what you’re feeling.”

“You are?

“I’m trapped in the room with you, right? Why did you choose me?”

“There’s something about you. It’s like you’re hurt too.”

“It was true. It wasn’t my grandmother, but it was true. It was my dad.”

“I’d like to tell you what happened to me now. It was my friends’ birthday party…”



“She’s talking about what happened. That’s huge. You did good.”

“And everyone’ll tell you that’s what we gotta make her do if we’re gonna help her, right? Except we can’t. We drag out her story, tell each other that it’ll help her heal, and feel real good about ourselves. But maybe all we’ve done is make a girl cry.”

“Then why did you?”

“Because I don’t know.”

One day. One room





老无所依的病人同样也是告诉我们这个道理,需要被记住,每个人都希望自己能够mean something,希望不被这个世界遗忘,或者说归属感与价值感。



虽然Nothing last forever,但,你的生命它不长,不能用它来悲伤。虽然很多人都只会陪伴我们走一段路,但是啊,“一路春风啊 一路荆棘啊 惊鸿一般短暂 如夏花一样绚烂”





后面还有一集,我想起来了,也是一个病人在最后时间里承受剧痛,应该是chase和cameron的婚姻破裂那集 Chase问Cameron “Did you ever love me?” “I don’t know” “So I know the answer”



我想其实是因为,那是2017年的某一天,应该是大二的第二学期,一夜未眠的我,有一个画面一直非常非常的印象深刻,就是那天早晨,看到的日出,其实也….nothing special,但那个日出就是刻在了我的脑子里。我想,人类的潜意识真的很神奇,总有些碎片,或者说moment,以静态的画面刻在了脑子里,你不知道究竟有什么很特别的地方,但就是有些moment留了下来,也许在更高的维度上能够找到rational的理由(House!Everything is rational! Totally agree),但作为该维度下的奴隶,就像是感性的玄学一样,总之那个画面留了下来。

我记得很清楚,那天的早餐是我这辈子吃的最饱的一次,一碗热干面,一张鸡蛋饼,一个卤鸡蛋,几个荔枝,十来个开心果,还喝了一瓶牛奶。吃完后,骑着我的折叠车去了学校,在民族大道上吸了一路的尾气和灰尘后,在我把车搬到寝室后,那几位都还在睡觉,然后我就在寝室里随意的找了一集House看,就是这集One day,One room。看完后正好9点30,本来准备去上课的,但是刚从被窝醒来打王者的W说了句“DH老师的信号与系统不会点名的”,加上一夜未睡,运动了一会(骑车),早上吃的又太饱,刚看完这集,还沉浸在其中,去了409发现他娘的那几个都不准备去,于是就跷课了(说白了找了那么多理由,真正的就一条,不想去上课,虽然去了也只是换个地方玩手机。)









先从最喜欢的S3E12 one day one room开始

One day one room

开头的House依旧幽默 “How can I help you in this beautiful morning?”


不过这不是重点,重点是被性侵的少女以及Cameron老无所依的病人(娘的,我以前记错了!原来Cameron和拒绝安乐死的病人也是One day one room这集的)

习惯性的顽皮,跑到了一个jogging park.

“It’s a jogging park, you’re not jogging. You can’t jog”


“Is it okay if I sleep here tonight? It’s cold outside”

一位少女来到了门诊要求做std test,House刚开始像是对其他病人一样调侃“这么大的人了还不知道用套套”,结果少女哭泣并喊出“Don’t touch me ”才发现是被性侵的少女。


“Look. you were raped. Control was taken away from you, and you’re trying to find that control again. You want me because I don’t want you.”

“I’m raping you?”

“In a very non-invasive, more annoying—”

“Get the hell out of here!”

“I’m sending Dr.Stone here.”


“I didn’t consent to all this medicine.”

“You’ve been out on the streets. No treatment….”

“I’m dying. There’s no treatment for dying.”

“We can make you comfortable.”

“Don’t want be.”

“Why not?”

“Because I screwed up my life.”

“So you want to punish yourself for messing up your life?”

“Please, stop the treatment”


“How long has stone been in with her?”

“Are you concerned?”

“You know how many people get raped every day?”

“So it’s common, therefore boring?”

“If I were to care about every person suffering on the planet, life would shut down. ”

“How about just the ones we meet?”

“They deserve our sympathy more than the other people?”

“So your solution is not to give a damn about any of them? How do you do that? How do you take that theory and put it in practice? You met her…..”House开溜


“Are you gonna do that again? You’re gonna be okay. Physically.”

“Which is all that interests you. But you’re here.”

“Under orders.”

“Why would you tell me that?”

“Because I don’t like hypocrisy.”

“But you don’t have a problem with cruelty?”

“Which brings us back to why do you want me?”

“I don’t know”

“You tried to kill yourself, because you couldn’t talk to me. You must have a reason”

“Why does there always have to be a reason? Can’t we just talk?”

“There’s a phone. Talk to a friend, a family member. Call the police. “


“Do you want to talk about what happened to you?”


“Do you want to talk about your std meds?” “No.”

“You don’t really seem to want to talk.” “No, I do.”

“About what?” “I don’t know. Anything.”

“The weather? You were raped, and you want to talk about the weather?” “Yeah.”

“I’m not gonna talk to you about the weather.”


Chase同意House,“You are the last person she should be talking to.”

Foreman却认为“If she wants to talk about weather, talk about the weather. She wants normalcy. She wants to feel like the world didn’t end.”

“Right, I’ll tell her that everything went on without her. Babies were born, people got married. Thousands of people will remember the day she got raped as the happiest day of their lives.”

Cameron认为House得让少女说出what happened, Foreman却认为假装一切未发生对她最好。

Cameron接着说,她必须正视这一切,Foreman却认为“You know what we should be trying to make real or process? The few decent moments in our lives, not the crap.”

Cameron依然坚持,也许你说的对,但她不可能假装没有这件事。“So she has no choice but to process it.”


“You’ve got to tell me what happened.”

“You don’t really want to hear.” “Sure I do.” “You’re lying.”

“This doesn’t have to destroy your life” (采取foreman的方法,但违心的说出明显太假了)

“I know” “It doesn’t mean anything about you. It wasn’t your fault.” “I know”

“You did nothing wrong. Some jerk hurt you. That’s all.” “I know”

“You’re worried that you can never trust men again?” “No.”

“Statistically, there was always a chance this could happen. The fact that it did happen doesn’t change anything. The world doesn’t suck any more today than it did yesterday.”

“I know all that” “Well, what do you want me to tell you?”

“Nothing. I just wanna talk.” “About nothing” “Yeah”

“If we talk about nothing, nothing will change.” “It might.”

“How?” “Time. Time changes everything.”

“That’s what people say. It’s not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things…leaves things exactly as they were.” (哈哈哈,我记得以前日记里写过这段,这是我少数don’t agree的话,事实上时间真的changes everything,因为每个人活在世界上都会被推着向前走,被动的,由不得你的,没有人会真的not doing things.就像人总会长大,时间总会流逝,生理会慢慢变老一样,活在世界上就免不了doing things,哪怕只是吃饭,洗脸,刷牙。当然,逃避问题也不会是解决问题的方法。


“Why do you have to suffer?” “I gave my word.”

“Who would make you promise that?” “My father. He said I would die alone ad miserable.”

“That’s not a promise, and even if it was, he’s dead. And even if he’s not, he’s not going to care.”

“Why did your husband have to suffer?” ………

“You have to die in pain because of a promise you made to your father?”

“If I’d say yes, you’d use that as proof that I’m insane. Force treatment on me.”

“……….Because I need you to remember me. I need somebody to remember me.”


“Where’d you go to college?” “Northwestern.” “You?” “Hopkins”

“What’s your major?” “Comparative religion.” (受不了了)

“Why do you trust me?” “I don’t know.”

“Can’t we just…..” “That’s not rational!”

“Nothing’s rational” “Everything is rational.”

“I was raped. Explain how that makes sense to you.”

“We are selfish, base animals crawling across the earth. But because we’ve got brains, if we try real hard, we can occasionally aspire to something that is less than pure evil”

(太让我同意了,everything is rational,事实上反正我也觉得,所有东西背后都能找到根源和原因,物质决定意识?精神上的冲动也是有物质基础,或者说进化论上的基础的,没有什么是凭空出现的,至少人类的所有行为是这样,这很brutal,可能白左会不太认同,人类除了智力比别的动物高,没有任何区别)

“Has anything terrible ever happened to you?”

“What do you want me to say?”

“You wanted this conversation. You wanted to talk about something that matters. Talk”

House对好基友Wilson说, I don’t know how to answer these questions.

Wilson “ It’s a simple question: Has your life sucked?”

“She’s looking for something, looking to extrapolate some…..”

“She’s looking to connect with you. And that’s what’s scaring the hell out of you. Tell her the truth”

“There’s no truth. XXXXXXXXX She’s asking for my personal life experience so she can extrapolate to all humanity. That’s not truth. That’s bad science.”

“It’s not science at all. Tell her the truth”


“Tell her your life has been good.” “It hasn’t been.”

“Tell her anyway, She wants hope. She wants to know that what happened to her wasn’t the norm, things can be okay, which means maybe they can be okay for her again”


“Tell her your life sucked.” “It didn’t”

“Tell her anyway, She want to know she’s not alone. She wants to know she’s gonna survive this, That other people have been through this and worse and come out the other end. She wants to know if she’s going to heal. Act like you’ve healed.



“Tell her…keep her asleep.”

“Thanks. You’ve all been a huge help.”

“There’s no wrong answer, because there’s no right answer.”

“Wrong. We just don’t know what the right answer is.”


“It’s not as bad as what happened to you, I don’t think. I don’t know what happened to you. But given how lousy you’re responding, I assume it was worse than getting asbused by your grandmother”

“What did she do to you?”

“XXXXX She liked things the way she liked them. And she believed in discipline. She was right, I suppose, because I hardly ever screwed up when she was around. Too scared of being forced to sleep in the yard or take a bath in ice. Your turn.”

“Your parents, they—they never stopped her?” “I never told them.”

“Why not?”

“Usual reasons: I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me, and I was afraid they’d think I’d done something wrong. I opened up to you, you open up to me.”

“XXXXXXX Is any part of that story true?”

“All of it.”

“XXXXXX What can I do? What the hell can I do that you’re not gonna dismiss as just being because I was raped?”


“Your story….is it true?”

“True for somebody.”

“But not for you.”

“These things happened. It happened to somebody. What do you care if it happened to me?”

“They’re not in this room.”

“No! They’re out there: Doctors, lawyers…postal workers. Some of them doing great. Some of them doing lousy. Are you gonna base your life on who you got stuck in a room with?”

“I’m gonna base this moment on who I’m stuck in a room with. That’s what life is. It’s a series of room. And who we get stuck in those rooms with adds up to what our lives are.”



“Abortion is murder”

“True. It’s a life, and…you should end it.”

“Every life is sacred.”

“Come on. Talk to me . Don’t quote me bumper stickers.”

“It’s true.”

“It’s meaningless.”

“It means every life matters to god.”

“Not to me, not to you. Judging by the number of natural disasters, not to god either.”

“You’re just being argumentative.”

“Yeah. I do do that. What about hitler? Was his life sacred to god? Father of your child, is his life scared to you? ”

“My child isn’t hitler.”

“Either every life is sacred, or it—”

“Stop it! I don’t wanna chat about philosophy.”

“You’re not killing your rape baby because of a philosophy.”

“It’s murder. I’m against it. You for it?”

“Not as a general rule.”

“Just for unborn children?”

“Yes. The problem with exceptions to rules is the line-drawing. It might make sense for us to kill the ass that did this to you. I mean, where do we draw the line? Which asses do we get to kill, and which asses get to keep on being as asses. The nice things about the abortion debate is that we can quibble over trimesters , but ultimately, there’s a nice, clean line: Birth. Morally there isn’t a lot of difference. Practically, huge.”

“You’re enjoying this conversation.”

“This is the type of conversation I do well.”

“Blah, Blah…….. You’re healthy. You shouldn’t here.”

“I don’t want to go.”

“Fine. I won’t discharge you. You wanna go for a walk?”


“This is the last of my journey.”

“You don’t deserve pain. You’re just an insane old man.”

“No, no.”

“I’m not gonna watch you suffer.”

“I need you to remember me.”

“I’ll remember you.”


“Because you’re a nice man.”

“You don’t know that. You don’t know anything about me.”

“Either you are a nice man or you’re an ass. Either way, you did something to somebody that they’re gonna remember.”

“I have no family. I have no friends. I didn’t even have a real job. If I die in peace, then I’m just another patient. But if I die suffering”

“It’ll be horrible. Don’t do that to either of us.”

“No I just need to die knowing that something is different because I was here” Suffering….

House和少女来到了jogging park

“Life goes on”

“Is that the reason why we’re out here?”

“You know why I came here? I sit, I watch, I imagine.”

“Sounds nice”

“I imagine that one of them will break a leg. Just one false step, one crack in the sidewalk.”

“You don’t really”

“I’m evil.”

“Evil people don’t say they’re evil.”

“That sounds like an easy loophole. People can do good things. But if their instincts are not good, either god doesn’t exist or he’s unimaginably cruel.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“So what do you believe? Why do you think this happened?”

“You know, I don’t think there was a reason.”

“Uh-huh, so god does exist, lets you get raped, and needs you to keep your rape baby for no reason.”

“Well, maybe he was challenging me.”

“He hurts you to help you. I guess it’s better than because he hates you.”

“You’re trying to convince me there’s no god. Why would you even say something like that?”

“Because you’re throwing your life away.”

“I’m doing what I believe.” “What you believe doesn’t make sense.”

“If you believe in eternity, then life is irrelevant. The same as a bugis irrelevant in comparison to the universe.”

“If you don’t believe in eternity, then what you do here is irrelevant”

“Your actions here are all that matters.”

“Then nothing matters. There’s no ultimate consequences. I couldn’t live like that.”

“So you need to think that the guy, who did this to you is gonna be punished”

“I need to know that it all means something. I need that comfort.”

“Yeah. Are you feeling comfortable? You feeling good right now, feel warm inside?”

“I was raped. What’s your excuse?”

“Do you think the guy who did this to me feels bad?”

“That’d help you? It’ll make you feel better?”

“Why do you always do that…. Ask why I’m asking questions instead of just answering the question.”

“Because the answer doesn’t interest me. I don’t care what he’s feeling. I’m interested in what you’re feeling.”

“You are?

“I’m trapped in the room with you, right? Why did you choose me?”

“There’s something about you. It’s like you’re hurt too.”

“It was true. It wasn’t my grandmother, but it was true. It was my dad.”

“I’d like to tell you what happened to me now. It was my friends’ birthday party…”



“She’s talking about what happened. That’s huge. You did good.”

“And everyone’ll tell you that’s what we gotta make her do if we’re gonna help her, right? Except we can’t. We drag out her story, tell each other that it’ll help her heal, and feel real good about ourselves. But maybe all we’ve done is make a girl cry.”

“Then why did you?”

“Because I don’t know.”

One day. One room





老无所依的病人同样也是告诉我们这个道理,需要被记住,每个人都希望自己能够mean something,希望不被这个世界遗忘,或者说归属感与价值感。



虽然Nothing last forever,但,你的生命它不长,不能用它来悲伤。虽然很多人都只会陪伴我们走一段路,但是啊,“一路春风啊 一路荆棘啊 惊鸿一般短暂 如夏花一样绚烂”





后面还有一集,我想起来了,也是一个病人在最后时间里承受剧痛,应该是chase和cameron的婚姻破裂那集 Chase问Cameron “Did you ever love me?” “I don’t know” “So I know the answer”



我想其实是因为,那是2017年的某一天,应该是大二的第二学期,一夜未眠的我,有一个画面一直非常非常的印象深刻,就是那天早晨,看到的日出,其实也….nothing special,但那个日出就是刻在了我的脑子里。我想,人类的潜意识真的很神奇,总有些碎片,或者说moment,以静态的画面刻在了脑子里,你不知道究竟有什么很特别的地方,但就是有些moment留了下来,也许在更高的维度上能够找到rational的理由(House!Everything is rational! Totally agree),但作为该维度下的奴隶,就像是感性的玄学一样,总之那个画面留了下来。

我记得很清楚,那天的早餐是我这辈子吃的最饱的一次,一碗热干面,一张鸡蛋饼,一个卤鸡蛋,几个荔枝,十来个开心果,还喝了一瓶牛奶。吃完后,骑着我的折叠车去了学校,在民族大道上吸了一路的尾气和灰尘后,在我把车搬到寝室后,那几位都还在睡觉,然后我就在寝室里随意的找了一集House看,就是这集One day,One room。看完后正好9点30,本来准备去上课的,但是刚从被窝醒来打王者的W说了句“DH老师的信号与系统不会点名的”,加上一夜未睡,运动了一会(骑车),早上吃的又太饱,刚看完这集,还沉浸在其中,去了409发现他娘的那几个都不准备去,于是就跷课了(说白了找了那么多理由,真正的就一条,不想去上课,虽然去了也只是换个地方玩手机。)








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