错乱人生第一季 完结/共6集

分类:欧美剧 英国2020

主演:萨拉·帕斯科 / 菲奥娜·巴顿 / 茱丽叶特·斯蒂文森 / Tom Stuart / Cariad..


莎拉·帕斯科(Sara Pascoe)主演的关于家庭,亲戚和生物学的喜剧系列。

伤心欲绝,家庭生活以及如何生存-为何每个人都结对配对并生育婴儿? 萨拉·帕斯科(Sara Pascoe)心中的一次疯狂的超现实旅程。

Oh god we’re all skeletons with meat on us.

Though we call it love, it’s really just a set of biological triggers and responses.

So I do understand why people want to get married, it’s like a funeral you can enjoy while you’re alive.

Everyone making women insecure so they can sell them stuff.

“How much is it, the dress?”

“It doesn’t matter what it costs, it matters how she feels.”

“Right. I didn’t realise you accepted feelings as payments.”

Having a baby is bad for the environment.





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