无法治愈 超清

分类:科幻片 美国2020



德国独立电影节、纽约独立电影节、CIFF得奖影片。。。又是一部反抗校园暴力、超自然小制作独立电影,风格类似于《976-Evil》 、《Carrie 》。。。。

影片讲述的是少年 Kelly (Elijah Nelson) 罹患怪病,他以此被欺负他的人称为垃圾男孩 “trash boy”。他病情严重,医生只能配给他补铁药剂,同时警告他不要看到什么吃什么。。。。Kelly的老妈Bernice(Natasha Henstridge) 转而向精神治疗师 “Reverend” Pflueger (Lance Henriksen) 求助,后者实际更类似于萨满巫医。。。。

然而,在Pflueger 治疗Kelly 时, 无意中将自己的萨满力量传给了Kelly.... Kelly 取得力量后对过去霸陵他的人进行报复。。。此后一发不可收拾,其行为也从出于正义的反击演变为 vengeful 行为。。。

In this movie, Elijah Nelson gives a superb performance while Nelson’s performance is central to keeping this film grounded. The inter-relationship between the two charaters is wonderful. Bernice’s intense love for her son, maternal instinct is obvious from feeling sorry for Kelly and thus elated when he receives the powers that “cure” his eating disorder; to the fear of knowing that should Kelly’s secret get out he’ll become some sideshow freak once again. One will completely believe it and the course the parental bond takes Kelly throughout the film.

可以说,《无法治愈》是部制作精良的惊悚片, 小伙子 Kelly 行为还是蛮暗黑风格滴。。。与此同时,导演也聪明地穿插了一些黑色幽默片段其中。。。给影片带来不少火花与亮点。

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德国独立电影节、纽约独立电影节、CIFF得奖影片。。。又是一部反抗校园暴力、超自然小制作独立电影,风格类似于《976-Evil》 、《Carrie 》。。。。

影片讲述的是少年 Kelly (Elijah Nelson) 罹患怪病,他以此被欺负他的人称为垃圾男孩 “trash boy”。他病情严重,医生只能配给他补铁药剂,同时警告他不要看到什么吃什么。。。。Kelly的老妈Bernice(Natasha Henstridge) 转而向精神治疗师 “Reverend” Pflueger (Lance Henriksen) 求助,后者实际更类似于萨满巫医。。。。

然而,在Pflueger 治疗Kelly 时, 无意中将自己的萨满力量传给了Kelly.... Kelly 取得力量后对过去霸陵他的人进行报复。。。此后一发不可收拾,其行为也从出于正义的反击演变为 vengeful 行为。。。

In this movie, Elijah Nelson gives a superb performance while Nelson’s performance is central to keeping this film grounded. The inter-relationship between the two charaters is wonderful. Bernice’s intense love for her son, maternal instinct is obvious from feeling sorry for Kelly and thus elated when he receives the powers that “cure” his eating disorder; to the fear of knowing that should Kelly’s secret get out he’ll become some sideshow freak once again. One will completely believe it and the course the parental bond takes Kelly throughout the film.

可以说,《无法治愈》是部制作精良的惊悚片, 小伙子 Kelly 行为还是蛮暗黑风格滴。。。与此同时,导演也聪明地穿插了一些黑色幽默片段其中。。。给影片带来不少火花与亮点。


德国独立电影节、纽约独立电影节、CIFF得奖影片。。。又是一部反抗校园暴力、超自然小制作独立电影,风格类似于《976-Evil》 、《Carrie 》。。。。

影片讲述的是少年 Kelly (Elijah Nelson) 罹患怪病,他以此被欺负他的人称为垃圾男孩 “trash boy”。他病情严重,医生只能配给他补铁药剂,同时警告他不要看到什么吃什么。。。。Kelly的老妈Bernice(Natasha Henstridge) 转而向精神治疗师 “Reverend” Pflueger (Lance Henriksen) 求助,后者实际更类似于萨满巫医。。。。

然而,在Pflueger 治疗Kelly 时, 无意中将自己的萨满力量传给了Kelly.... Kelly 取得力量后对过去霸陵他的人进行报复。。。此后一发不可收拾,其行为也从出于正义的反击演变为 vengeful 行为。。。

In this movie, Elijah Nelson gives a superb performance while Nelson’s performance is central to keeping this film grounded. The inter-relationship between the two charaters is wonderful. Bernice’s intense love for her son, maternal instinct is obvious from feeling sorry for Kelly and thus elated when he receives the powers that “cure” his eating disorder; to the fear of knowing that should Kelly’s secret get out he’ll become some sideshow freak once again. One will completely believe it and the course the parental bond takes Kelly throughout the film.

可以说,《无法治愈》是部制作精良的惊悚片, 小伙子 Kelly 行为还是蛮暗黑风格滴。。。与此同时,导演也聪明地穿插了一些黑色幽默片段其中。。。给影片带来不少火花与亮点。

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